A note from our editor

A warm welcome to Insights Magazine, our new monthly digital magazine that digs deeper into the trends surrounding the Future@Work. In this inaugural issue, we’re exploring the flexible new normal and how companies around the world are renovating and rethinking their office spaces.

The new world of work is here, and to keep up, leaders need to reimagine the why, where, and how of working in an office space. From “Zoom rooms,” to third workspaces, to the metaverse, businesses are retooling offices to fuel collaboration, culture, and conversation. The office of the future has become more than just a flashy way to attract workers back to the office: it’s become a new tool to retain top talent as well.

As talent scarcity continues to threaten companies, our CEO Alain Dehaze, offers his advice to leaders looking for new tactics to assuage workers. Also in this issue: the gig workers taking their flexible future into their own hands, one CHRO’s secret tool for hiring talent in this shifting labour market, and our top trends from the world of work in January.

We’d love to hear from you and welcome your feedback and suggestions for future issues. Shoot me an email:


To download the PDF version of Insights Magazine, click here.

Mara Stefan, Editor of Insights Magazine


C-Suite Voice

Today’s empowered employees have taken the driver’s seat. They’ve got their foot on the throttle, both hands on the wheel, and are enjoying the ride for all it’s worth. According to research on global workers, 41% of the workforce are considering changing jobs this year.

In a post-pandemic world with low barriers to job migration, today’s leaders would do well to practice something that may not have occurred to them: corporate empathy.
Alain Dehaze

Latest Future of Work Conversation

Delivery Pending: Making The Gig Economy Work For Everyone

How many times have you ordered a quick meal from Uber Eats or your local instant delivery platform? Platforms like Deliveroo or Just Eat have popped up in growing numbers in recent years, especially during the pandemic, acting as intermediaries between the customer; a supplier such as a restaurant or other merchant; and the delivery worker affiliated with the platform. The platform charges a commission to connect the three parties. Operating margins are thin in this world, often resulting in lower profits for merchants and less disposable income for delivery workers.

Top 5 Trends

#1. Growing number of companies around the world join the four-day work week revolution.

#2. Can remote workers keep Venice afloat? One pilot program hopes so.

#3. Why is it considered okay to be ageist at work?

#4. How work from home affects (and imperils) work-friend prospects.

#5. Buffering burnout as you return to the office.